To see whether the provider is registered , use the az provider list command. az provider list To register a resource provider , use the az provider register command, and specify the namespace to register. az provider register –namespace Microsoft.Cdn To see the supported locations and API versions for a resource type, use:, 9/26/2019 · As such, rather than failing during an API call / to improve the user experience Terraform automatically attempts to register any Resource Providers that it supports by default – to ensure that the API’s are available when they’re needed; and since this list is stored within Terraform, we extend this list from time to time as Terraform is …
3/21/2018 · Each Azure resource type has to be registered through a resource provider on the subscription level. When users only have access to certain resource groups and not to the subscription itself you can run into errors when you try to create a new resource that is not registered yet.
7/29/2019 · Last week we updated our azurerm provider from 1.19 to 1.31 (latest version at that moment) and noticed a strange behavior: this provider is now requires to have all corresponding resource provider …
5/28/2019 · As such, rather than failing during an API call / to improve the user experience Terraform automatically attempts to register any Resource Providers that it supports by default – to ensure that the API’s are available when they’re needed; and since this list is stored within Terraform, we extend this list from time to time as Terraform is …
Resource provider registration errors – Azure Resource …
Fix error on Azure: the subscription doesn’t have permissions to …
Fix error on Azure: the subscription doesn’t have permissions to …
10/2/2019 · As a part of the version v1.34.0 release of the Azure Provider since we now support the Kusto resources (via the azurerm_kusto_cluster resource ) we’ve added the Resource Provider Microsoft.Kusto to this list – meaning we’ll try and register this new Resource Provider if it isn’t currently registered .
When you use an Azure Resource Manager template for deployment, the resource provider is automatically registered in the subscription. Sometimes, the automatic registration doesn’t complete in time. To avoid this intermittent error, register the resource provider before deployment.
I think there is a cmdlet like register-azurermresourceprovider or similar you need to call first. Or log into the portal and create a networking resource there and it will register for you.
There may be related security setting for what you’re trying to add but what you need to do is make sure the Resource Provider is registered . You can see a link for this under your subscribers Take a look at this Azure Screenshot, 4/4/2015 · Please provide a copy of your System Information file. Type System Information in the Search Box above the start Button and press the ENTER key (alternative is Select Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Information). Select File, Export and give the file a name noting where it is located. Do not place the cursor within the body of the report before exporting the file.